Charlotte County Libraries and History
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Alan Raynor oral history interview conducted by Joe Guerzo in Charlotte County, Florida, 2024 February 13.
Wave Audio
An oral history interview conducted with Alan Raynor by Charlotte County Libraries & History. The statements expressed within do not reflect the views of Charlotte County staff.
Buddy Clark Alexander oral history interview conducted by Joe Guerzo in Charlotte County, Florida, 2019, June 17.
1939 - 2019
An oral history interview conducted with Buddy Clark Alexander by Charlotte County Libraries & History. The interview highlights: Buddy Clark Alexander's family and childhood; his time working for Ford in Michigan; his time as Clerk of Circuit Court; and his memories of Hurricane Donna and Hurricane Charley. The statements expressed within do not reflect the views of Charlotte County staff.
Chris Anders oral history interview conducted by Joe Guerzo in Charlotte County, Florida, 2023, May 24.
From birth 1995-2023, with focus on September 2022
Wave Audio
An oral history interview conducted with Chris Anders by Charlotte County Libraries & History about Hurricane Ian. The statements expressed within do not reflect the views of Charlotte County staff.
Judy Anderson oral history interview conducted by Joe Guerzo in Charlotte County, Florida, 2018, November 5.
1947 - 2018
An oral history interview conducted with Judy Anderson by Charlotte County Libraries & History. The interview highlights: Judy Anderson's youth in the area; how she worked under Charlotte County's Supervisor of Elections Henryetta "Tosie" Hindman; how she ran for the position of Supervisor of Elections after Tosie Hindman retired; and her time as Supervisor of Elections, including how Hurricane Charley affected elections in Charlotte County in 2004. The statements expressed within do not reflect the views of Charlotte County staff.
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1983 1982 1981 1980
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David Bartley oral history interview conducted by Joe Guerzo in Charlotte County, Florida, 2018, March 5.
1945 - 2018
An oral history interview conducted with David Bartley by Charlotte County Libraries & History. The interview highlights David Bartley's youth in El Jobean, his family's carnival business, and his thoughts on local figures. The statements expressed within do not reflect the views of Charlotte County staff.
John Bass oral history interview conducted by Joe Guerzo in Charlotte County, Florida, 2019, January 10.
1952 - 2019
An oral history interview conducted with John Bass by Charlotte County Libraries & History. The interview highlights: John Bass's youth; how he got into photography; the Bass family; his memories of Eugenie Clark; the Cookie House; and his thoughts on Englewood. The statements expressed within do not reflect the views of Charlotte County staff.
Umschlagbild für Commodore Caldwell Colt: Centennial Art Show
Commodore Caldwell Colt
This portrait was painted by Christiane Belle as part of Charlotte County's Centennial Art Show. 18 x 24 inches. Oil on canvas. The subject is 'Commodore' Caldwell Hart Colt, the son of gun scion Samuel Colt, who followed in his father's footsteps as a gunmaker. In 1879 he designed the Colt double barrel rifle, one of the rarest Colt firearms that was ever made. One night in 1984, the “Oriole," a yacht belonging to Caldwell Colt, was anchored off the Hotel Punta Gorda. Suddenly, party guests cried out, “Man overboard!” Only too late they realized it was the yacht’s owner, face down and dead in the water. Caldwell’s mother commissioned Louis Tiffany to create a stained-glass window as a tribute to her son. Local artists were invited to submit original works of art to Charlotte County's Centennial Art Show. Pieces were based on the book 'Our Fascinating Past: Charlotte Harbor' by Lindsey Williams and U.S. Cleveland. Submissions were accepted in Fall 2020 and were displayed at the Mid-County Regional Library on February 27, 2021.
Umschlagbild für Bayshore Lodge: Centennial Art Show
Bayshore Lodge
This painting by Christiane Belle was part of Charlotte County's Centennial Art Show. 16 x 20 inches. Oil on Canvas. This painting illustrates a famous house in Charlotte County history. Formerly known as McAdow Hall, it was built at the turn of the century as the home of Perry W. McAdow. It was to be deeded to the town upon his death, but taxes and struggles for ownership ensued for many years. McAdow contributed to the community by filling in the harbor off Harvey Park and securing franchises to build and operate kerosene street lights in Punta Gorda and the town's first telephone system. The building was converted to a lodge in the 1940s. As a lodge, the space held the largest dining room in Punta Gorda, capable of serving 300 guests. Local artists were invited to submit original works of art to Charlotte County's Centennial Art Show. Pieces were based on the book 'Our Fascinating Past: Charlotte Harbor' by Lindsey Williams and U.S. Cleveland. Submissions were accepted in Fall 2020 and were displayed at the Mid-County Regional Library on February 27, 2021.
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